Ellipsis Prints Billboard Takeover 2020
when: 14-28 August 2020
where: Hackney Road, London
artists: Gabriele Beveridge, Lydia Boehm, Bea Bonafini, Scarlett Bowman, Phoebe Collings-James, May Hands, Hannah Lees, Daisy Parris, Milly Peck, Hannah Rowan, Devlin Shea and Lucy Whitford.
With lockdown limiting access to galleries, Ellipsis Prints is taking to the streets. Showing our prints at scale and outdoors on billboards gives them the attention they deserve. Womxn artists refuse to continue to be sidelined by the male dominated art world. Ellipsis Prints works exclusively with womxn artists in order to address the gender imbalance prevalent in the contemporary art world. An ‘ellipsis’ is the ‘…’ symbol. It represents those genders marginalised by the mainstream art world. As exhibitions, galleries, art fairs and art collections continue to be dominated by male voices, Ellipsis Prints works towards redressing the balance.
This exhibition is a collaboration with the BUILDHOLLYWOOD family In collaboration with the BUILDHOLLYWOOD family of JACK, JACK ARTS and DIABOLICAL for their Your Space Or Mine project.